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时间:2022-07-03 11:40:04 来源:网友投稿




 2022 年高考适应性练习(一)

 英语试卷 第一部分

 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

 A There are about 100 beaches around the Sydney Harbor (港口) and along the coast. If you find it hard to pick the best destination, here are four waiting for you. Freshwater Beach Freshwater Beach is the location where surfing was first introduced to Australia in 1915. The beach is only 350 meters long and is a popular destination for surfers. The beach is protected and therefore provides a quiet swimming experience away from the hustle and bustle (喧嚣) of its busy neighboring beaches. Bondi Beach Bondi Beach, Australia’s most famous beach, is more than 100 meters wide and over 3 kilometers long, which allows plenty of space for the large number of tourists and locals. On a sunny day every grain of sand is covered with bodies, with crowds pouring into nearby bars and cafes. Parking near the beach is impossible. It’s also the perfect spot to see a sunset and the scene of family parties during summer. Clovelly Beach As one of the best options for surfing and exploring what hides beneath the water’s surface, Clovelly, noted for its unique narrow bay between two rocky ridges (山脊), is a popular destination for swimmers. It’s a good base where you can check out diving routes through the waters, or take a coastal walk to Bondi. Palm Beach It’s the scene of the long-running Home and Away TV series and endless celebrity spotting. A salt water lake affords great views, typical of beaches on the north side of the harbor. On a nice day, Palm Beach is a postcard-perfect sand destination. 1. What do Freshwater Beach and Clovelly Beach have in common? A. They both have free training services. B. They are both suitable for swimming. C. They are both the birthplaces of surfing. D. They both provide underwater exploration. 2. What can tourists do at Bondi Beach? A. Have a sunbathing.

 B. Hold a live concert.

 C. Park their cars at will.

 D. Enjoy a sunrise watching. 3. Where are you most likely to see TV show shooting? A. Freshwater Beach. B. Bondi Beach. C. Clovelly Beach. D. Palm Beach. B Gutiérrez’s life changed after finding a copy of Anna Karenina in the trash (垃圾) 20 years ago. It happened one night when he saw discarded books while driving his garbage truck through wealthier neighborhoods. It ignited his desire to start rescuing books from the trash. He took home about 50 books every morning after his night shift. Eventually, he turned his book collection into a community library for children from low-income families. Bogota, Colombia’s capital, has 19 public libraries. However, they are far away from where rural and poorer communities live. The option of buying new books is out of reach for families struggling to make ends meet. Gutiérrez’s community library is a true representation of how one man’s trash can be another’s treasure. “I don’t think I’m doing something so great. The library is simply a bridge between people who throw books and those who have no access to books,” he said about his remarkable efforts. Today, his library, called “the Strength of Words”, contains over 20,000 books and occupies most of his home. Everything from school textbooks to storybooks can be found in his collection. The library is open every weekend, when neighborhood children pour in. “The whole value of the library lies in helping kids start reading. This is important for kids in Bogota where many young people kill time in the streets and fall victim to vices such as taking drugs,” said Gutiérrez. Gutiérrez grew up poor, and his family couldn’t afford to educate him beyond primary school. Nevertheless, he never lets a lack of formal education stop him from reading. “Books are the greatest invention of human beings. There’s nothing more beautiful than having a book handy,” Guiérrez said. His journey to giving back to his local community is an amazing example of how every one of us can improve the lives of those around us by identifying needs, investing time and finding a simple solution. 4. What does the underlined word “ignited” mean in the first paragraph? A. Indicated. B. Satisfied. C. Limited. D. Stimulated. 5. Which of the following can best describe Gutérrez? A. Caring and humble.

 B. Smart and independent. C. Traditional and self-disciplined. D. Ambitious and easy-going. 6. What do paragraphs 2 and 3 mainly tell us? A. Bogota’s main social problems. B. The library’s rich variety of books. C. The bad habits of Bogota’s young people. D. The library’s significance for the neighborhood.

 7. What message does Gutiérrez’s story deliver? A. Education is the key to success. B. All things are difficult before they are easy. C. Small acts of kindness make a big difference. D. Books are the food for the hungry of great mind. C A groundbreaking new study finds that coffee beans are bigger and more plentiful when birds and bees team up to protect and pollinate (授粉) coffee plants. Without these winged helpers, some traveling thousands of miles, coffee farmers would see a 25% drop in crops, a loss of roughly $1,066 per acre of coffee. That’s important for the $26 billion coffee industry—including consumers, farmers, and corporations who depend on nature’s unpaid labor—but the research goes beyond that. The study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences is the first to show, using real-world experiments at 30 coffee farms, that the contributions of nature—in this case, bee pollination combined with pest (害虫) control by birds—are larger than their individual contributions. “Until now, researchers have typically calculated the benefits of nature separately, and then simply added them up, which actually underestimates the benefits biodiversity provides to agriculture and human wellbeing,” says lead expert Alejandra. “But nature is an interacting system, full of important synergies (协同). We show the ecological and economic importance of these interactions in one of the first experiments in actual farms.” For the experiment, researchers dealt with coffee plants across 30 farms, excluding birds and bees with a combination of large nets and small bags. They tested four key situations: bird activity alone, bee activity alone, no bird or bee activity at all, and finally, a natural environment, where bees and birds were free to pollinate and eat insects like the coffee berry borer, one of the most damaging pests affecting coffee production worldwide. The combined positive effects of birds and bees on fruit set, fruit weight and fruit uniformity—key factors in quality and price—were greater than their individual effects, the study shows. “Birds, bees, and millions of other species support our lives and livelihoods, but face threats like habitat destruction and climate change,” says Alejandra. “One important reason we measure these contributions is to help protect the many species that we depend on, and sometimes take for granted.” 8. What does the new research focus on? A. Ways to increase coffee production. B. Winged helpers’ effects on coffee plants. C. Factors affecting coffee plants’ pollination. D. The importance of pest control

 on coffee plants. 9. Which of the following is a major boost to the coffee industry? A. High-quality service.

 B. Government intervention. C. Expanding investment. D. Maintaining biodiversity. 10. How did the researchers conduct the tests according to paragraph 5? A. By introducing a concept. B. By making comparisons. C. Expanding investment. D. Maintaining biodiversity. 10. How did the researchers conduct the tests according to paragraph 5? A. By introducing a concept. B. By making comparisons. C. By explaining statistical data. D. By referring to a previous study. 11. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear? A. Advertisement. B. Health. C. Science. D. Travel. D When elderly people stay active, their brains have more of a class of proteins that enhances the connections between neurons (神经元) to maintain healthy cognition (认知), a UC San Francisco study has found. “Our work is the first that uses human data to show that synapse protein regulation (突触蛋白质调节) is related to physical activity and may drive the beneficial cognitive outcomes we see,” said Kaitlin Casaletto, PhD, an assistant professor of neurology and lead author on the study. The beneficial effects of physical activity on cognition have been shown in mice but have been much harder to demonstrate in people. The project tracked the late-life physical activity of elderly participants, who also agreed to donate their brains when they died. Maintaining the integrity of these connections between neurons may be vital to fighting against mental disorder, since the synapse is really the site where cognition happens. Physical activity—a readily available tool—may help boost this synaptic functioning. Casaletto found that elderly people who remained active had higher levels of proteins that facilitate the exchange of information between neurons. This result agreed with the earlier finding that people who had more of these proteins in their brains when they died were better able to maintain their cognition late in life. “It may be that physical activity generates a global sustaining effect, supporting the healthy function of proteins that facilitate synaptic transmission throughout the brain,” Casaletto said. The brains of most older adults store poisonous proteins that are the marks of mental illnesses, and the proteins can cause synapses and neurons to fall apart. “In older adults with higher levels of the proteins associated with synaptic integrity, this effect that leads to mental diseases appears to be

 weakened,” she said. “The study shows the potential importance of maintaining synaptic health to support the brain against mental diseases like Alzheimer’s.” 12. What helps elderly people keep cognitive ability according to the study? A. Proteins produced during physical activity. B. Body tissues with healthy chemical substances. C. A certain connection between the brain regions. D. A type of neuron formed while they...

推荐访问:2022届山东省枣庄市高三第三次调研考试英语试题 枣庄市 山东省 调研
