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时间:2022-07-11 12:40:02 来源:网友投稿




  高三英语培优外刊阅读 班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________ 外刊精选|人们崇尚过度工作,到底为了什么? 【背景介绍】提到“工作狂”,人们往往会联想到金融行业,事实上,近年来,过度工作的“狂热”正蔓延到更多的职业。所幸,我们越来越了解过劳会对身心造成的危害,而要使这一现象得到缓解,需要员工和公司双方都做出改变,公司不应过度提倡“加班文化”,员工也应该在工作中学会适可而止。为什么有很多人沉溺于“过劳工作”?要解决这一问题需要做哪些文化变革?

 Why do we buy into the "cult" of overwork? By Bryan Lufkin Although many of us associate overly ambitious workaholism with the finance industry, in fact, it is expanding into more sectors and professions, in slightly different packaging. Millions of us overwork because somehow we think it’s a status symbol that puts us on the path to success, whether we define that by wealth or an Instagram post that makes it seem like we"re living a dream life with a dream job.

 Luckily, we have come to understand far more about the consequences of overwork, and the toll burnout can take on our mental and physical health. Given how entrenched our admiration for high-stress work culture is, however, halting our overwork obsession will require cultural change.

 In response, some companies have begun talking about offering more robust mental-health programmes for workers, including perks like complimentary therapy sessions or free access to wellness apps. Now we"re at a crossroads: we can prioritise our wellbeing, or prioritise sending an email at 0300 because it"ll impress the boss. To choose the former, it has to be up to the workers to stop making burnout somehow desirable, and up to the companies to stop making the workers feel like they should.



 1.cult [kʌlt] n. __________________________________ 2.overwork [əʊvəˈwɜːk] n. __________________________________ 3.associate [əˈsəʊsieɪt, əˈsəʊʃieɪt] v. __________________________________ 4.overly [ˈəʊvəli] adv. __________________________________ 5.ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs] adj. __________________________________ 6.workaholism [ˈwɜːkəhɒlɪzəm] n. __________________________________ 7.sector [ˈsektə] n. __________________________________ 8.profession [prəˈfeʃn] n. __________________________________ 9.packaging [ˈpækɪdʒɪŋ] n. __________________________________ 10.status [ˈsteɪtəs] n. __________________________________ 11.symbol [ˈsɪmbl] n. __________________________________ 12.consequence [ˈkɒnsɪkwəns] n. __________________________________ 13.toll [təʊl] n.__________________________________ 14.given [ˈɡɪvn] prep. __________________________________ 15.entrenched [ɪnˈtrentʃt] adj. __________________________________ 16.admiration [ædməˈreɪʃn] n. __________________________________ 17.halt [hɒlt] v.__________________________________ 18.robust [rəʊˈbʌst] adj. __________________________________ 19.perk [pɜːk] n.__________________________________ 20.complimentary [kɒmplɪˈmentri] adj. __________________________________ 21.therapy [ˈθerəpi] n. __________________________________ 22.crossroads [ˈkrɒsrəʊdz] n. __________________________________ 23.prioritise [praɪˈɒrɪtaɪz] vt. __________________________________ 24.former [ˈfɔːmə] adj. __________________________________ 25.desirable [dɪˈzaɪərəbl] adj. __________________________________ 【词块学习】


  1.全盘接受__________________________________ 2.金融行业__________________________________ 3.已经......__________________________________ 4.取决于......__________________________________

  拓展练习 阅读理解 People have probably observed that their stress levels can rise due to a lack of typical psychological (精神的) breaks they get in workplaces. Walking to the tea room to make a cup of coffee, stopping for a chat with one of your colleagues or discussing your plan with your leaders will help you. All of those actions are actually giving our brains an opportunity to recharge. The workplace banter (打趣) could be worn out when you’re employed from home. The psychological breaks, however, are vital to maintain your stress at the lowest level, so attempt to copy these mini-breaks at home. Besides, you need a proper schedule for yourself. Otherwise, things go against your wishes. For example, one of my friends devoted herself to her business, ignoring her family and her own health. Though she has achieved a lot in her business, now she is in poor health and has a broken home and good-for-nothing children. One of the toughest issues about working from home is setting boundaries. People tend to overwork at home because they often confuse work and home life. You can reasonably end working at a fixed time and have time to get along with your family members. If you begin the day by bearing this in your thoughts, it’s completely possible for you to stick to it. At home, you can do a spot of gardening or take a slow relaxing walk within your yard to help increase your memory and overcome depression. Even doing some arts and crafts, reading an ebook or baking a cake may also help. Anyway, you need to take yourself away from the computer screen for a superb couple of hours every day. As the saying puts it, “Sharpening your knife won’t waste your time for cutting your firewood.” You have good psychological breaks while working from home. Your working efficiency will be improved. Besides, you’ll manage and lessen your stress and create a good family relationship. 1.How can people reduce their stress levels in workplaces according to the author? A.By having a relaxing talk with their workmates. B.By sharing their suffering with their leaders. C.By giving their current work to other workmates. D.By going to a psychologist on a regular basis. 2.Why do people tend to work overtime at home? A.They like to show their devotion before the family. B.There is no clear line between work and home life. C.No one bothers them when working from home. D.They are inefficient as a result of many distractions. 3.What might be the author’s suggestion at the end of the text? A.Enrich our life with a variety of activities. B.Improve your efficiency to please your leader. C.Take a rest from work to balance work and family. D.Ask someone to help with your work when tired. 4.What does the text mainly talk about? A.Methods of living an active and meaningful life. B.Approaches to lessening stress levels in workplaces. C.Ways to manage stress when working from home. D.The importance of making a good family relationship.

 外刊精选答案 【词汇过关】


 1.cult [kʌlt] n. 狂热 2.overwork [əʊvəˈwɜːk] n. 过度工作

  3.associate [əˈsəʊsieɪt, əˈsəʊʃieɪt] v. 联系,将……和……联系起来 4.overly [ˈəʊvəli] adv. 过度地,极度地 5.ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs] adj. 野心勃勃的,有雄心的 6.workaholism [ˈwɜːkəhɒlɪzəm] n. 迷恋工作 7.sector [ˈsektə] n. 领域,板块 8.profession [prəˈfeʃn] n. 职业 9.packaging [ˈpækɪdʒɪŋ] n. 包装,包装风格 10.status [ˈsteɪtəs] n. 地位;状态,情形 11.symbol [ˈsɪmbl] n. 象征,符号,标志 12.consequence [ˈkɒnsɪkwəns] n. 后果 13.toll [təʊl] n.代价;通行费;钟声;伤亡人数 14.given [ˈɡɪvn] prep. 考虑到...... 15.entrenched [ɪnˈtrentʃt] adj. 根深蒂固的 16.admiration [ædməˈreɪʃn] n. 钦佩,赞赏 17.halt [hɒlt] v.(使)停止 18.robust [rəʊˈbʌst] adj. 强健的,有力的;健康的 19.perk [pɜːk] n.补贴;额外收入;特殊待遇 20.complimentary [kɒmplɪˈmentri] adj. 赠送的 21.therapy [ˈθerəpi] n. 治疗,疗法 22.crossroads [ˈkrɒsrəʊdz] n. 十字路口;重大的抉择关头 23.prioritise [praɪˈɒrɪtaɪz] vt. 给予...优先权,按优先顺序处理 24.former [ˈfɔːmə] adj. 前者的 25.desirable [dɪˈzaɪərəbl] adj. 令人向往的 【词块学习】


 1.buy into 全盘接受 2.finance industry 金融行业 3.have come to 已经...... 4.be up to 取决于...... 【全文翻译】

 对于过度工作的狂热,我们为何全盘买账? 虽然许多人会把那种极度野心勃勃的工作狂状态和金融行业联系起来,然而事实上,这种状态正以略有不同的表现形式,蔓延到越来越多的领域和职业。

 有无数人过度工作,因为在一定程度上,我们将其视为一种即将变为成功人士的身份象征,这种成功可能是通过财富来界定的,也可能是通过在 Ins 上晒图,使你看起来像是做着梦想中的工作,过着梦想中的生活。


 作为回应,一些公司已经开始讨论为员工提供更多给力的心理健康服务,像是让员工享有免费赠送的心理咨询服务,或免费使用一些健康 app 等福利。


 拓展练习阅读理解 参考答案 1.A2.B3.C4.C

推荐访问:高三英语培优外刊阅读学案:职场话题 职场 英语 话题
